Hilarious! And frightfully apt too.
CNN will probably give him another award for it.
Hilarious! And frightfully apt too.
CNN will probably give him another award for it.
actors' acceptance speeches have often been a little dodgy - viewers don't care what political or social views actors may have, we typically appreciate actors acting well.. this year's oscars awards ceremony seems to be going above and beyond, however.. here's frances mcdormand's acceptance speech, in which she dedicates her victory to 'our wolf' and then howls like a bitch, lol.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-_be0awgwk.
Over the years I built an indifference towards Hollywood and the product it produces. I can't remember the last time I paid to sit in a movie theater at all, and it was long before COVID forced the issue. I suppose it was for a number of reasons:
Hollywood seemed to focus on comic book or cartoon characters, or they were played in such a way that they might as well have been.
Hollywood seemed to use the same dratted actors over and over and over again and with each movie their characters began to blur and bleed into one another until every new movie I subjected myself to was faintly familiar and seemed to me one that I had already watched.
Hollywood seemed to be stuck in the sequel / prequel / trilogy / rinse/repeat mindset, over and over and freaking over again. How many "Fast and Furiously Furious" / "Mission Impossible to Watch" / "Die Hardest in your movie seat" type of movies will people subject themselves to? I say "yawwwwwwn."
Hollywood began to slowly inject their sense of morality, politics and other issues into everything and more often than not it took me right out of the movie itself because it was so noticeable.
Hollywood actors and directors took to the TV set to continue to preach at us their sense of morality and politics as well. If they said something I found particularly disdainful, it was difficult for me to want to pay to see a movie by them. Remember Sean Penn, Oliver Stone and Michael Moore in full on worship mode over Hugo Chavez? Yes, the same man who brought you the United Socialist Party to Venezuela and is now credited with absolutely ruining that country. At the time I absolutely cringed while watching these Leftist dummies praise that man, and I knew it would turn out badly for those poor souls in Venezuela. There were others just like that, for example Meryl Streep calling Harvey Weinstein "god" at one point. Hearing Whoopi Goldberg say that Roman Polanski was not guilty of quote "rape-rape" unquote... (Um, well, he allegedly DRUGGED the underage girl before raping her, so yeah, that is "rape-rape" Whoopi - Bill Cosby style actually. Her age notwithstanding. But I guess we will never know how the trial would have gone since he fled the country to avoid it.) So yes, I know I should have been a bigger person than that and tried to over look their idiocy, but I just could not help it. I could not watch their stuff any more after that.
And of course, I stopped watching the long, drawn out, self-congratulating, self-abuse-fest called the Oscars way before that.
After awhile, there was just less and less things Hollywood made that I could even stomach, and that unfortunately included much of the network TV.
In time I discovered cable TV channels (like HBO) which were much more interesting. And now that I have Netflix I can see non-Hollywood entertainment that is truly diverse, from countries all around the world, with actors I have never seen before, and best yet, stories that are innovative rather than derivative pablum.
the best president.
the best boxer?
the best over all athlete?
George Washington - best president. When our leaders actually FOUGHT in the wars they declared rather than just send the kids out to fight them for them (tales of bullets ripping past him on his horse were many), not use the office to make his money (hello Clintons?) and gracefully leave office without being asked setting a gentlemen's precedent only broken 170 years later Democrat FDR. (Which led to a Constitutional amendment to ensure it was not abused again.)
just sharing this for all the people who hated me saying it.
funny how truth finally comes out if those of us who care enough to become lightning rods don’t let up.
it’s taken a year, but the left wing ( not the same as a traditional liberal ) nut-job bs is becoming quite evident, and this will continue across multiple subjects as time passes.
last year millions of people were singing his praises.
what’s your opinion of him right now?.
Since at least 3 people liked your comment, allow me a counterpoint to give you all food for thought:
"...judge a person they do not know..."
How many politicians that you have voted for do you actually know? Did you "know" the last presidential candidate you voted for any better than I know Dr. Fauci? Few to none of us really know those of whom we are expected to "judge" by voting for or against them. So, why should my judgement of Dr. Fauci have a higher standard than yours? The real kicker here is that no one even had the chance to vote for Dr. Fauci, yet there he is, effecting my life every day.
"...a field they have no competence in..."
Again, do you have "competence" in the field of politics? Are you a professional politician? So, by that logic then we should not vote for or against a politician because we don't have "expertise" in that field? Yours is a very smug and silly notion. I don't have "expertise" in being a chef, but I know a good meal when I eat it. I don't have expertise in making movies, but I know a good one when I see it. And I don't have expertise in the medical profession, but I know good doctors when I see them. Dr. Anthony Fauci is NOT one of them.
"...do not like the message he delivers from a position of expertise."
This is the whole problem: Dr. Fauci has shown ZERO EXPERTISE! ZERO! So-called experts like him have not kept us safe and have most likely caused more harm than good. Look, all you have to do is listen to the man talk over the last year to see that he has shown no real expertise in COVID19. The results of what he speaks have also shown that. So, are you making excuses for his flip flopping? Did you not hear him say the things I posted about? Are you contradicting actual facts of history that you can easily find documented everywhere that have shown him wrong again and again? Are you denying those things? What damn expertise has this man actually shown us, except for being an expert self-promoter?
It is not that I do not like his message. If someone picks a lane and stay with it, even if I disagree with it, I can respect that. But Dr. Fauci has shown us none of that. What I dislike is the duplicity, the flip flopping, the endless blathering that confuses everyone, and of course, the horrendous track record of being very, very wrong about an extremely important issue that effects hundreds of millions of people.
And make no mistake about it, this is not just about "delivering a message"... if he were just some guy spouting off on the internet (like I am doing now) who most people will ignore, that is one thing. This guy is effecting millions of peoples lives because his "message" is taken to the extreme by the politicians who have set policy that has destroyed many lives with ZERO scientific proof to back those policies up.
So, yes, I judge this man as the idiot he is.
And I judge people like you for enabling him.
last year millions of people were singing his praises.
what’s your opinion of him right now?.
Dr. Fauci is a flip flopping, mealy mouthed idiot.
He has sat on TV, washed in the limelight, blathering endlessly and contradicting himself from one day to the next depending on now the winds blew.
In January 2020 (when the Dems and the media were busy impeaching Trump) some news organizations like Fox were warning of a virus coming from China that was killing many people. Fauci said not to worry about it, because it was not in the U.S. and there was no reason to be alarmed. How would anyone actually know that by the way? No one was actually testing for COVID in the U.S. yet, so how could any medical "professional" make that claim? Could it not be that many "flu" deaths in late 2019 and early January 2020 actually be COVID19? Who knows? We still don't know. But for a medical professional to say "don't worry about it" is irresponsible. Personally I ordered by N95 masks that day and had them before most people did because I DID NOT listen to Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Later that January when Trump banned flights from China, Fauci vigorously fought against it. Only to admit months later Trump was right to do it when the winds blew that direction.
In February he said that we should not be buying up masks because we should be leaving that to the professionals and if you are not a professional you won't know how to use them anyway. Then of course he changed course on that when the winds blew in the opposite direction, later stating that masks were the single most important way to protect ourselves. In between those extreme positions, he took many months to flip flopping on it, making me scratch my head each time that fool spoke up. I kept thinking "Dude, pick a lane. Say to use masks to don't use them. Stop the blathering and flip flopping."
Later when Fauci was telling the White House Coronavirus Task Force that there was only anecdotal evidence in support of hydroxychloroquine to fight the virus, he was confronted with scientific studies providing evidence of safety and efficacy. For example, a Detroit study showed a 50% reduction in mortality rate when it was used early on. But by then, all the Lefties fought vigorously against people EVEN HAVING THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE THIS FOR THEMSELVES. To this day the Lefties fight this, which is a puzzle to me. Why can't this be available to anyone if they want to choose it for themselves? Why block it? Oh yeah, because Trump thought it was a good idea, so then they MUST be against it. Fauci was a pawn of the left on this issue.Fauci continued to push for more lock downs, feeding the frenzy and foaming at the mouth of the Left who were against people even being outside. They would particularly scold the people who wanted to be in parks and the beach and such. Of course, now it is clear that being outside is one of the safest places you can be during COVID, but the buffoon Fauci seems to still be against it. And we now know that lock downs do NOT prevent COVID19 at all, in fact, they might worsen them. And of course they cause many other ailments that small-minded thinkers like Fauci completely ignore.
Recently Texas ended the mandate for masks. On cue, Fauci was against it, being backed by his new pal in chief Joe Biden. As is most things Biden/Fauci, they were on the wrong side of history yet again. Texas numbers went DOWN afterwards.
Fauci is a darling of the Left, but it is the Left / Democrat run states that have the worst record of taking care of their populations when it comes to COVID19. And you have Dr. Fauci to thank for that.
i saw a statistic the other day that something like 25% of all the debt that the us has incurred since 1776 was created in the last 12 months.
that's because they have printed so much currency and instead of letting that stop them, they are going to continue printing more to go on a spending spree on crazy green-new-deal schemes and union handouts.. does anyone think that this can be anything other than inflationary?
they are effectively stealing the wealth of everyone to then hand money out to people.
Simon, I read through this thread carefully and at risk of sounding like a total suck-up, it is frightening how much I agree with you on every single point you posted. And then some.
To answer the question specifically, yes, I am very concerned about inflation But not just the normal kind, rather the runaway hyper kind that destroys the U.S. dollar and the economy of any country who relies on it, including the United States itself.
I actually think this is the plan of the Lefty cabal. It is the only thing that makes sense to me when they continually propose one hair-brained socialist wet dream plan after another, completely ignoring the very current and real-world disaster of Venezuela, suggesting what they are proposing will somehow turn out differently.
Fun fact: Currently, 1 U.S. dollar is worth 207,466,000,000 Venezuela Bolivars. 1934, the Bolivar exchange rate was fixed in terms of 1 U.S dollar for 3.914 Bolivar. This makes the Zimbabwe inflation look mild. Venezuela took their currency off the gold standard long before the U.S. did. It is a great modern example of fiscal insanity and a road map and model for every other fiat currency in play now - which is ALL of them.
The Left loves to tax, regulate, demonize and punish the "evil 1 percent-ers" as well as any company the "greedy rich" control that actually produces wealth and provides income and employment for the country. That's the grand plan and approach for the Lefty Socialists now taking hold of our country. Lone wolves like Joe Manchin are the few Democrats who put any kind of brakes on this madness. But even he has a history of caving in easily only after putting up a weak fight.
Oh, and when that still isn't enough money (because taking from the rich has its limits... after all, there is only so much you can confiscate/steal) then the Left will print 3 trillion here and 5 trillion there. Pretty soon you're talking real money. Unfortunately, that "money" won't be worth anything when they are done with it.
Riddle: What is the difference between a roll of toilet paper and the Venezuela Bolivar?
Answer: The toilet paper is preferred because you can wipe yourself with the toilet paper and it won't hurt.
Rocketman, You represent exactly what is wrong with the left minded "Orange Man Bad" thinking in all its inherent dishonesty and pure numbskullery.
The wall that Trump "built" is ineffective because:
1. The Democrats, led by Lefty extremists fought tooth and nail against building the wall for years. No real reason was given for them fighting against it because every single Democrat who railed against it has a wall around their own homes, keeping them safe from the unknowns of outside actors. Trump had to use various military funds to even get it started. Congress finally passed a small Billions bill (compared to Biden's Trillions bill for so-called infrastructure) but that started later into his presidency. The lefty media railed against it day and day out for years, some obstructed, some sued, but Trump finally began to prevail and get it built. (No thanks to people like you.) All that cost dearly in time and thus it was left unfinished after he was run out of office by persona-based / race based politics that had nothing to do with actual policy.
2. The places that the wall was actually finished all have gates, most of which are now left wide open by the Biden administration. Some of these are for flood control purposes, but you have to secure them when not flooding. The Biden administration refuses to do anything about it. Again, if you have an unfinished wall around your home, and you leave all your gates unlocked and wide open, the wall is useless.
3. Some are scaling the wall. While that sound like a bad thing for a wall, it is not if you actually have people on the ground to easily stop this. The Biden administration has stopped ICE from having any real power to do much of anything. Again, if you have a wall around your home with locked gates, someone could scale it, but that slows them down long enough for your home cameras to catch them and alert you, or the police, etc. Plus it limits the sheer numbers of people who have the moxie to scale a wall like that.
4. The wall was not intended to be used as the ONLY deterrent for illegal immigration. You need to use surveillance, on the border enforcement, as well as have GOOD SET OF POLICIES THAT ACTUALLY DISINCENTIVIZES THE ACTION TO BEGIN WITH. Again, the Biden Administration has sent an open invitation to every smuggler, coyote and bad actor, along with all kinds of other poor disenfranchised people looking for something better to absolutely FLOOD the border.
No wall can counter all that nonsense.
The report came out recently (today?) that over 18,000 unaccompanied minors crossed the U.S. border IN MARCH 2021 ALONE!
Were is Kamala Harris and her Lefty crowd screaming about kids being separated from their parents and kids in cages like she was when Trump was in office?
Oh wait, SHE is the one who was put in charge of this mess. Or... did she just go to the border, take one look at it and then quit?
This woman literally RAN on the platform of undoing the horrible injustices of the Trump administration on the border, wringing out fake tears as she decried the inhumane Donald Trump about his border policies. But now look what her own policies are doing. She and her boss Joe Biden think it is a good idea to:
1. Stop building the wall (it is nearly finished, but leaving gaping holes is as good as not having a wall in some places - no real good reason to end it other than Lefty "wall bad" mindset)
2. End the "remain in Mexico" policy that kept people there while they were seeking assylum (an agreement Trump got out of the Mexican government and there is no real good reason to end it)
3. Re-institute "catch and release" (the joke policy of asking for illegals to keep the honor system of returning to court once they are freed in the U.S. - few do.)
4. Pay for putting illegals in hotels, paying for their healthcare, etc. (how many tax paying Americans have this?)
5. Demonize ICE (just as they like to demonize the police)
Places like San Diego are even providing in-person schooling for children who have crossed over illegally (with and without parents) while only providing on-line schooling for the American citizens actually who actually pay the taxes for the schools.
This is the lunacy and hypocrisy of the Left in action.
march of last year covid was declared a pandemic that would take hundreds of millions of lives world wide.. here are the facts after a year.. the world population is 7,800,000,000 (billions).
114,770,269 millions of people have caught the virus as of today.
aprox 91 million recovered from the virus,.
Slimboyfat, sorry my friend, I don't buy China's numbers. I can't understand why anyone would. Let's just put aside the obvious fact that the regime lies as easy as they breathe on just about everything. Let's just use logic:
Wuhan China has a population of 11.8 million. Let's suppose every single one of the reported 5,000 COVID deaths in China came only from Wuhan.
Consider: New York city has a population of 8.4 million and has reported so far 49,000 COVID deaths.
Los Angeles county has a population of just shy of 10 million and has reported so far 57,000 COVID deaths.
There are probably no states in the U.S. that locked down more so than New York and California, yet they reported death rates11 times the rate of the entire number of Wuhan?
China was THAT good at locking the city down so it wouldn't spread to the rest of the country?
Then why do MOST experts agree that the virus came from Wuhan? (China denies this, but then again, it's China.) How were they able to lock down the rest of their own country so readily but at the same time allow their Wuhan population to spread the virus to the rest of the world? Forget about that: How did the rest of the world not get infected and then at some point some of those infected from other countries not come back to other cities in China and spread it that way? I never heard in the news that they locked out other countries from coming into other parts of China, at least, not in the first few months. It was Donald Trump who first stepped up and stopped travel into the U.S. from China, and he was excoriated by it from Biden, Fauci and other Lefty-minded (wrong side of history) people who said it was "racist" for doing so. Other countries only did that afterwards, eventually having some of them ban travel from the U.S. to their countries.
Every other country suffered COVID spread by international travel from other countries. You mean China completely stopped that from everywhere else 100%, no failures, not one person who could then spread it by returning to their their own huge Chinese city, like Beijing, Shanghai, Tainjin and others? These cities are some of the largest in the world and have huge international business travel, but China was able to lock it all down perfectly?
Sorry bud. I don't buy it.